
以下のリストは、AMQP 受信チャネルアダプターの可能な構成オプションを示しています。

  • Java DSL

  • Java

  • XML

public IntegrationFlow amqpInbound(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    return IntegrationFlow.from(Amqp.inboundAdapter(connectionFactory, "aName"))
            .handle(m -> System.out.println(m.getPayload()))
public MessageChannel amqpInputChannel() {
    return new DirectChannel();

public AmqpInboundChannelAdapter inbound(SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer,
        @Qualifier("amqpInputChannel") MessageChannel channel) {
    AmqpInboundChannelAdapter adapter = new AmqpInboundChannelAdapter(listenerContainer);
    return adapter;

public SimpleMessageListenerContainer container(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    SimpleMessageListenerContainer container =
                               new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
    // ...
    return container;

@ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "amqpInputChannel")
public MessageHandler handler() {
    return new MessageHandler() {

        public void handleMessage(Message<?> message) throws MessagingException {

                                  id="inboundAmqp"                (1)
                                  channel="inboundChannel"        (2)
                                  queue-names="si.test.queue"     (3)
                                  acknowledge-mode="AUTO"         (4)
                                  advice-chain=""                 (5)
                                  channel-transacted=""           (6)
                                  concurrent-consumers=""         (7)
                                  connection-factory=""           (8)
                                  error-channel=""                (9)
                                  expose-listener-channel=""      (10)
                                  header-mapper=""                (11)
                                  mapped-request-headers=""       (12)
                                  listener-container=""           (13)
                                  message-converter=""            (14)
                                  message-properties-converter="" (15)
                                  phase=""                        (16)
                                  prefetch-count=""               (17)
                                  receive-timeout=""              (18)
                                  recovery-interval=""            (19)
                                  missing-queues-fatal=""         (20)
                                  shutdown-timeout=""             (21)
                                  task-executor=""                (22)
                                  transaction-attribute=""        (23)
                                  transaction-manager=""          (24)
                                  tx-size=""                      (25)
                                  consumers-per-queue             (26)
                                  batch-mode="MESSAGES"/>         (27)

<1> The unique ID for this adapter.
<2> Message channel to which converted messages should be sent.
<3> Names of the AMQP queues (comma-separated list) from which messages should be consumed.
<4> Acknowledge mode for the `MessageListenerContainer`.
When set to `MANUAL`, the delivery tag and channel are provided in message headers `amqp_deliveryTag` and `amqp_channel`, respectively.
The user application is responsible for acknowledgement.
`NONE` means no acknowledgements (`autoAck`).
`AUTO` means the adapter's container acknowledges when the downstream flow completes.
Optional (defaults to AUTO).
See xref:amqp/inbound-ack.adoc[Inbound Endpoint Acknowledge Mode].
<5> Extra AOP Advices to handle cross-cutting behavior associated with this inbound channel adapter.
<6> Flag to indicate that channels created by this component are transactional.
If true, it tells the framework to use a transactional channel and to end all operations (send or receive) with a commit or rollback, depending on the outcome, with an exception that signals a rollback.
Optional (Defaults to false).
<7> Specify the number of concurrent consumers to create.
The default is `1`.
We recommend raising the number of concurrent consumers to scale the consumption of messages coming in from a queue.
However, note that any ordering guarantees are lost once multiple consumers are registered.
In general, use one consumer for low-volume queues.
Not allowed when 'consumers-per-queue' is set.
<8> Bean reference to the RabbitMQ `ConnectionFactory`.
Optional (defaults to `connectionFactory`).
<9> Message channel to which error messages should be sent.
<10> Whether the listener channel (com.rabbitmq.client.Channel) is exposed to a registered `ChannelAwareMessageListener`.
Optional (defaults to true).
<11> A reference to an `AmqpHeaderMapper` to use when receiving AMQP Messages.
By default, only standard AMQP properties (such as `contentType`) are copied to Spring Integration `MessageHeaders`.
Any user-defined headers within the AMQP `MessageProperties` are NOT copied to the message by the default `DefaultAmqpHeaderMapper`.
Not allowed if 'request-header-names' is provided.
<12> Comma-separated list of the names of AMQP Headers to be mapped from the AMQP request into the `MessageHeaders`.
This can only be provided if the 'header-mapper' reference is not provided.
The values in this list can also be simple patterns to be matched against the header names (such as "\*" or "thing1*, thing2" or "*something").
<13> Reference to the `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` to use for receiving AMQP Messages.
If this attribute is provided, no other attribute related to the listener container configuration should be provided.
In other words, by setting this reference, you must take full responsibility for the listener container configuration.
The only exception is the `MessageListener` itself.
Since that is actually the core responsibility of this channel adapter implementation, the referenced listener container must not already have its own `MessageListener`.
<14> The `MessageConverter` to use when receiving AMQP messages.
<15> The `MessagePropertiesConverter` to use when receiving AMQP messages.
<16> Specifies the phase in which the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` should be started and stopped.
The startup order proceeds from lowest to highest, and the shutdown order is the reverse of that.
By default, this value is `Integer.MAX_VALUE`, meaning that this container starts as late as possible and stops as soon as possible.
<17> Tells the AMQP broker how many messages to send to each consumer in a single request.
Often, you can set this value high to improve throughput.
It should be greater than or equal to the transaction size (see the `tx-size` attribute, later in this list).
Optional (defaults to `1`).
<18> Receive timeout in milliseconds.
Optional (defaults to `1000`).
<19> Specifies the interval between recovery attempts of the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` (in milliseconds).
Optional (defaults to `5000`).
<20> If 'true' and none of the queues are available on the broker, the container throws a fatal exception during startup and stops if the queues are deleted when the container is running (after making three attempts to passively declare the queues).
If `false`, the container does not throw an exception and goes into recovery mode, attempting to restart according to the `recovery-interval`.
Optional (defaults to `true`).
<21> The time to wait for workers (in milliseconds) after the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` is stopped and before the AMQP connection is forced closed.
If any workers are active when the shutdown signal comes, they are allowed to finish processing as long as they can finish within this timeout.
Otherwise, the connection is closed and messages remain unacknowledged (if the channel is transactional).
Optional (defaults to `5000`).
<22> By default, the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` uses a `SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor` implementation, that fires up a new thread for each task, running it asynchronously.
By default, the number of concurrent threads is unlimited.
Note that this implementation does not reuse threads.
Consider using a thread-pooling `TaskExecutor` implementation as an alternative.
Optional (defaults to `SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor`).
<23> By default, the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer` creates a new instance of the `DefaultTransactionAttribute` (it takes the EJB approach to rolling back on runtime but not checked exceptions).
Optional (defaults to `DefaultTransactionAttribute`).
<24> Sets a bean reference to an external `PlatformTransactionManager` on the underlying `AbstractMessageListenerContainer`.
The transaction manager works in conjunction with the `channel-transacted` attribute.
If there is already a transaction in progress when the framework is sending or receiving a message and the `channelTransacted` flag is `true`, the commit or rollback of the messaging transaction is deferred until the end of the current transaction.
If the `channelTransacted` flag is `false`, no transaction semantics apply to the messaging operation (it is auto-acked).
For further information, see
https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/reference/html/%255Freference.html#%5Ftransactions[Transactions with Spring AMQP].
<25> Tells the `SimpleMessageListenerContainer` how many messages to process in a single transaction (if the channel is transactional).
For best results, it should be less than or equal to the value set in `prefetch-count`.
Not allowed when 'consumers-per-queue' is set.
Optional (defaults to `1`).
<26> Indicates that the underlying listener container should be a `DirectMessageListenerContainer` instead of the default `SimpleMessageListenerContainer`.
See the https://docs.spring.io/spring-amqp/reference/html/[Spring AMQP Reference Manual] for more information.
<27> When the container's `consumerBatchEnabled` is `true`, determines how the adapter presents the batch of messages in the message payload.
When set to `MESSAGES` (default), the payload is a `List<Message<?>>` where each message has headers mapped from the incoming AMQP `Message` and the payload is the converted `body`.
When set to `EXTRACT_PAYLOADS`, the payload is a `List<?>` where the elements are converted from the AMQP `Message` body.
`EXTRACT_PAYLOADS_WITH_HEADERS` is similar to `EXTRACT_PAYLOADS` but, in addition, the headers from each message are mapped from the `MessageProperties` into a `List<Map<String, Object>` at the corresponding index; the header name is `AmqpInboundChannelAdapter.CONSOLIDATED_HEADERS`.

XML を使用して外部コンテナーを構成する場合、Spring AMQP 名前空間を使用してコンテナーを定義することはできないことに注意してください。これは、名前空間に少なくとも 1 つの <listener/> 要素が必要なためです。この環境では、リスナーはアダプターの内部にあります。このため、次の例に示すように、通常の Spring <bean/> 定義を使用してコンテナーを定義する必要があります。

<bean id="container"
    <property name="connectionFactory" ref="connectionFactory" />
    <property name="queueNames" value="aName.queue" />
    <property name="defaultRequeueRejected" value="false"/>
Spring Integration JMS と AMQP のサポートは似ていますが、重要な違いがあります。JMS 受信チャネルアダプターは、カバーで JmsDestinationPollingSource を使用しており、設定済みのポーラーを想定しています。AMQP 受信チャネルアダプターは AbstractMessageListenerContainer を使用し、メッセージ駆動型です。その点では、JMS メッセージ駆動型チャネルアダプターにより似ています。

バージョン 5.5 以降、AmqpInboundChannelAdapter は、再試行操作が内部で呼び出されたときに RecoveryCallback で使用される org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MessageRecoverer 戦略を使用して構成できます。詳細については、setMessageRecoverer() JavaDocs を参照してください。

@Publisher アノテーションは、@RabbitListener と組み合わせて使用することもできます。

public static class ContextConfiguration {

    QueueChannel fromRabbitViaPublisher() {
        return new QueueChannel();

    @RabbitListener(queuesToDeclare = @Queue("publisherQueue"))
    public void consumeForPublisher(String payload) {



デフォルトでは、@Publisher AOP インターセプターはメソッド呼び出しからの戻り値を処理します。ただし、@RabbitListener メソッドからの戻り値は AMQP 応答メッセージとして扱われます。このようなアプローチは @Publisher と一緒に使用することはできないため、メソッド引数に対するそれぞれの SpEL 式を含む @Payload アノテーションがこの組み合わせで推奨される方法です。@Publisher の詳細については、"アノテーション主導の構成" セクションを参照してください。

リスナーコンテナーで排他的コンシューマーまたはシングルアクティブコンシューマーを使用する場合は、コンテナープロパティ forceStop を true に設定することをお勧めします。これにより、コンテナーを停止した後、このインスタンスが完全に停止する前に別のコンシューマーがメッセージの消費を開始する可能性がある競合状態が防止されます。


バッチメッセージの詳細については、Spring AMQP ドキュメントを参照してください。

Spring Integration でバッチメッセージを作成するには、発信エンドポイントを BatchingRabbitTemplate で構成するだけです。

バッチメッセージを受信すると、デフォルトで、リスナーコンテナーは各フラグメントメッセージを抽出し、アダプターは各フラグメントに対して Message<?> を生成します。バージョン 5.2 以降、コンテナーの deBatchingEnabled プロパティが false に設定されている場合、代わりにアダプターによってデバッチ処理が実行され、ペイロードがフラグメントペイロードのリストである単一の Message<List<?>> が生成されます(適切な場合は変換後)。

デフォルトの BatchingStrategy は SimpleBatchingStrategy ですが、これはアダプターでオーバーライドできます。

再試行操作でリカバリが必要な場合は、org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MessageBatchRecoverer をバッチで使用する必要があります。