Spring Web Services Framework

Class AbstractAddressingVersion


extended by org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
      extended by org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing.version.AbstractAddressingVersion
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Addressing10, Addressing200408

public abstract class AbstractAddressingVersion
extends TransformerObjectSupport
implements AddressingVersion

Abstract base class for AddressingVersion implementations. Uses XPathExpressions to retrieve addressing information.

Arjen Poutsma

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractAddressingVersion()
Method Summary
 void addAddressingHeaders(SoapMessage message, MessageAddressingProperties map)
          Adds addressing SOAP headers to the given message, using the given MessageAddressingProperties.
protected  void addEndpointReference(SoapHeaderElement headerElement, EndpointReference epr)
          Adds ReplyTo, FaultTo, or From EPR to the given header Element.
 SoapFault addInvalidAddressingHeaderFault(SoapMessage message)
          Adds a Invalid Addressing Header fault to the given message.
 SoapFault addMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFault(SoapMessage message)
          Adds a Message Addressing Header Required fault to the given message.
protected  void addReferenceNodes(Result result, List<Node> nodes)
protected  QName getActionName()
          Returns the qualified name of the Action addressing header.
protected  QName getAddressName()
          The qualified name of the Address in EndpointReference.
protected abstract  URI getAnonymous()
          Returns the anonymous URI.
protected abstract  EndpointReference getDefaultReplyTo(EndpointReference from)
          Returns the default ReplyTo EPR.
protected abstract  URI getDefaultTo()
          Returns the default To URI.
protected  QName getFaultToName()
          Returns the qualified name of the FaultTo addressing header.
protected  QName getFromName()
          Returns the qualified name of the From addressing header.
protected abstract  String getInvalidAddressingHeaderFaultReason()
          Returns the reason of the fault that indicates that a header is invalid.
protected abstract  QName getInvalidAddressingHeaderFaultSubcode()
          Returns the qualified name of the fault subcode that indicates that a header is invalid.
protected abstract  String getMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFaultReason()
          Returns the reason of the fault that indicates that a header is missing.
protected abstract  QName getMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFaultSubcode()
          Returns the qualified name of the fault subcode that indicates that a header is missing.
 MessageAddressingProperties getMessageAddressingProperties(SoapMessage message)
          Returns the MessageAddressingProperties for the given message.
protected  QName getMessageIdName()
          Returns the qualified name of the MessageID addressing header.
protected  String getNamespacePrefix()
          Returns the prefix associated with the WS-Addressing namespace handled by this specification.
protected abstract  String getNamespaceUri()
          Returns the WS-Addressing namespace handled by this specification.
protected abstract  URI getNone()
          Returns the none URI, or null if the spec does not define it.
protected  QName getReferenceParametersName()
          Returns the qualified name of the ReferenceParameters in the endpoint reference.
protected  QName getReferencePropertiesName()
          Returns the qualified name of the ReferenceProperties in the endpoint reference.
protected  QName getRelatesToName()
          Returns the qualified name of the RelatesTo addressing header.
protected  QName getRelationshipTypeName()
          Returns the qualified name of the RelatesTo addressing header.
protected  QName getReplyToName()
          Returns the qualified name of the ReplyTo addressing header.
protected  QName getToName()
          Returns the qualified name of the To addressing header.
 boolean hasAnonymousAddress(EndpointReference epr)
          Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a Anonymous address.
 boolean hasNoneAddress(EndpointReference epr)
          Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a None address.
 boolean understands(SoapHeaderElement headerElement)
          Given a SoapHeaderElement, return whether or not this version understands it.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
createTransformer, getTransformerFactory, newTransformerFactory, setTransformerFactoryClass, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing.version.AddressingVersion

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractAddressingVersion()
Method Detail


public MessageAddressingProperties getMessageAddressingProperties(SoapMessage message)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Returns the MessageAddressingProperties for the given message.

Specified by:
getMessageAddressingProperties in interface AddressingVersion
message - the message to find the map for
the message addressing properties
See Also:
Message Addressing Properties


public void addAddressingHeaders(SoapMessage message,
                                 MessageAddressingProperties map)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Adds addressing SOAP headers to the given message, using the given MessageAddressingProperties.

Specified by:
addAddressingHeaders in interface AddressingVersion
message - the message to add the headers to
map - the message addressing properties


public final boolean understands(SoapHeaderElement headerElement)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Given a SoapHeaderElement, return whether or not this version understands it.

Specified by:
understands in interface AddressingVersion
headerElement - the header
true if understood, false otherwise


protected void addEndpointReference(SoapHeaderElement headerElement,
                                    EndpointReference epr)
Adds ReplyTo, FaultTo, or From EPR to the given header Element.


protected void addReferenceNodes(Result result,
                                 List<Node> nodes)


public final SoapFault addInvalidAddressingHeaderFault(SoapMessage message)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Adds a Invalid Addressing Header fault to the given message.

Specified by:
addInvalidAddressingHeaderFault in interface AddressingVersion
See Also:
Invalid Addressing Header


public final SoapFault addMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFault(SoapMessage message)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Adds a Message Addressing Header Required fault to the given message.

Specified by:
addMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFault in interface AddressingVersion
See Also:
Message Addressing Header Required


public final boolean hasAnonymousAddress(EndpointReference epr)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a Anonymous address. This address is used to indicate that a message should be sent in-band.

Specified by:
hasAnonymousAddress in interface AddressingVersion
See Also:
Formulating a Reply Message


public final boolean hasNoneAddress(EndpointReference epr)
Description copied from interface: AddressingVersion
Indicates whether the given endpoint reference has a None address. Messages to be sent to this address will not be sent.

Specified by:
hasNoneAddress in interface AddressingVersion
See Also:
Sending a Message to an EPR


protected String getNamespacePrefix()
Returns the prefix associated with the WS-Addressing namespace handled by this specification.


protected abstract String getNamespaceUri()
Returns the WS-Addressing namespace handled by this specification.


protected QName getToName()
Returns the qualified name of the To addressing header.


protected QName getFromName()
Returns the qualified name of the From addressing header.


protected QName getReplyToName()
Returns the qualified name of the ReplyTo addressing header.


protected QName getFaultToName()
Returns the qualified name of the FaultTo addressing header.


protected QName getActionName()
Returns the qualified name of the Action addressing header.


protected QName getMessageIdName()
Returns the qualified name of the MessageID addressing header.


protected QName getRelatesToName()
Returns the qualified name of the RelatesTo addressing header.


protected QName getRelationshipTypeName()
Returns the qualified name of the RelatesTo addressing header.


protected QName getReferencePropertiesName()
Returns the qualified name of the ReferenceProperties in the endpoint reference. Returns null when reference properties are not supported by this version of the spec.


protected QName getReferenceParametersName()
Returns the qualified name of the ReferenceParameters in the endpoint reference. Returns null when reference parameters are not supported by this version of the spec.


protected QName getAddressName()
The qualified name of the Address in EndpointReference.


protected abstract URI getDefaultTo()
Returns the default To URI.


protected abstract EndpointReference getDefaultReplyTo(EndpointReference from)
Returns the default ReplyTo EPR. Can be based on the From EPR, or the anonymous URI.


protected abstract URI getAnonymous()
Returns the anonymous URI.


protected abstract URI getNone()
Returns the none URI, or null if the spec does not define it.


protected abstract QName getMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFaultSubcode()
Returns the qualified name of the fault subcode that indicates that a header is missing.


protected abstract String getMessageAddressingHeaderRequiredFaultReason()
Returns the reason of the fault that indicates that a header is missing.


protected abstract QName getInvalidAddressingHeaderFaultSubcode()
Returns the qualified name of the fault subcode that indicates that a header is invalid.


protected abstract String getInvalidAddressingHeaderFaultReason()
Returns the reason of the fault that indicates that a header is invalid.

Spring Web Services Framework

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