Spring Web Services Framework

Class AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping


extended by org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
      extended by org.springframework.ws.soap.addressing.server.AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
All Implemented Interfaces:
InitializingBean, Ordered, EndpointMapping, SoapEndpointMapping
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping
extends TransformerObjectSupport
implements SoapEndpointMapping, InitializingBean, Ordered

Abstract base class for EndpointMapping implementations that handle WS-Addressing. Besides the normal SoapEndpointMapping properties, this mapping has a versions property, which defines the WS-Addressing specifications supported. By default, these are Addressing200408 and Addressing10.

The messageIdStrategy property defines the strategy to use for creating reply MessageIDs. By default, this is the UuidMessageIdStrategy.

The messageSenders are used to send out-of-band reply messages. If a request messages defines a non-anonymous reply address, these senders will be used to send the message.

This mapping (and all subclasses) uses an implicit WS-Addressing EndpointInterceptor, which is added in every EndpointInvocationChain produced. As such, this mapping does not have the standard interceptors property, but rather a preInterceptors and postInterceptors property, which are added before and after the implicit WS-Addressing interceptor, respectively.

Arjen Poutsma

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
protected AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping()
          Protected constructor.
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
 EndpointInvocationChain getEndpoint(MessageContext messageContext)
          Returns an endpoint and any interceptors for this message context.
protected abstract  Object getEndpointInternal(MessageAddressingProperties map)
          Lookup an endpoint for the given MessageAddressingProperties, returning null if no specific one is found.
protected abstract  URI getFaultAction(Object endpoint, MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
          Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response fault messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.
 MessageIdStrategy getMessageIdStrategy()
          Returns the message id strategy used for creating WS-Addressing MessageIds.
protected  MessageIdStrategy getMessageIdStrategy(Object endpoint)
          Returns the message ID strategy for the given endpoint.
 WebServiceMessageSender[] getMessageSenders()
          Returns the message senders, which are used to send out-of-band reply messages.
protected  WebServiceMessageSender[] getMessageSenders(Object endpoint)
          Returns the message senders for the given endpoint.
 int getOrder()
protected abstract  URI getResponseAction(Object endpoint, MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
          Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.
protected  void initDefaultStrategies()
          Initializes the default implementation for this mapping's strategies: the Addressing200408 and Addressing10 versions of the specification, and the UuidMessageIdStrategy.
 void setActorOrRole(String actorOrRole)
          Sets a single SOAP actor/actorOrRole to apply to all endpoints mapped by the delegate endpoint mapping.
 void setActorsOrRoles(String[] actorsOrRoles)
          Sets the array of SOAP actors/actorsOrRoles to apply to all endpoints mapped by the delegate endpoint mapping.
 void setMessageIdStrategy(MessageIdStrategy messageIdStrategy)
          Sets the message id strategy used for creating WS-Addressing MessageIds.
 void setMessageSender(WebServiceMessageSender messageSender)
          Sets a single message senders, which is used to send out-of-band reply messages.
 void setMessageSenders(WebServiceMessageSender[] messageSenders)
          Sets the message senders, which are used to send out-of-band reply messages.
 void setOrder(int order)
          Specify the order value for this mapping.
 void setPostInterceptors(EndpointInterceptor[] postInterceptors)
          Set additional interceptors to be applied after the implicit WS-Addressing interceptor, e.g.
 void setPreInterceptors(EndpointInterceptor[] preInterceptors)
          Set additional interceptors to be applied before the implicit WS-Addressing interceptor, e.g.
 void setUltimateReceiver(boolean ultimateReceiver)
          Indicates whether this the endpoint fulfills the SOAP 1.2 Ultimate Receiver role.
 void setVersions(AddressingVersion[] versions)
          Sets the WS-Addressing versions to be supported by this mapping.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.xml.transform.TransformerObjectSupport
createTransformer, getTransformerFactory, newTransformerFactory, setTransformerFactoryClass, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected AbstractAddressingEndpointMapping()
Protected constructor. Initializes the default settings.

Method Detail


protected void initDefaultStrategies()
Initializes the default implementation for this mapping's strategies: the Addressing200408 and Addressing10 versions of the specification, and the UuidMessageIdStrategy.


public final void setActorOrRole(String actorOrRole)
Description copied from interface: SoapEndpointMapping
Sets a single SOAP actor/actorOrRole to apply to all endpoints mapped by the delegate endpoint mapping.

Specified by:
setActorOrRole in interface SoapEndpointMapping


public final void setActorsOrRoles(String[] actorsOrRoles)
Description copied from interface: SoapEndpointMapping
Sets the array of SOAP actors/actorsOrRoles to apply to all endpoints mapped by the delegate endpoint mapping.

Specified by:
setActorsOrRoles in interface SoapEndpointMapping


public final void setUltimateReceiver(boolean ultimateReceiver)
Description copied from interface: SoapEndpointMapping
Indicates whether this the endpoint fulfills the SOAP 1.2 Ultimate Receiver role.

Specified by:
setUltimateReceiver in interface SoapEndpointMapping


public final int getOrder()
Specified by:
getOrder in interface Ordered


public final void setOrder(int order)
Specify the order value for this mapping.

Default value is Integer.MAX_VALUE, meaning that it's non-ordered.

See Also:


public final void setPreInterceptors(EndpointInterceptor[] preInterceptors)
Set additional interceptors to be applied before the implicit WS-Addressing interceptor, e.g. XwsSecurityInterceptor.


public final void setPostInterceptors(EndpointInterceptor[] postInterceptors)
Set additional interceptors to be applied after the implicit WS-Addressing interceptor, e.g. PayloadLoggingInterceptor.


public final void setMessageIdStrategy(MessageIdStrategy messageIdStrategy)
Sets the message id strategy used for creating WS-Addressing MessageIds.

By default, the UuidMessageIdStrategy is used.


public MessageIdStrategy getMessageIdStrategy()
Returns the message id strategy used for creating WS-Addressing MessageIds.


public final void setMessageSender(WebServiceMessageSender messageSender)
Sets a single message senders, which is used to send out-of-band reply messages. If a request messages defines a non-anonymous reply address, this senders will be used to send the message.

messageSender - the message sender


public final void setMessageSenders(WebServiceMessageSender[] messageSenders)
Sets the message senders, which are used to send out-of-band reply messages. If a request messages defines a non-anonymous reply address, these senders will be used to send the message.

messageSenders - the message senders


public final WebServiceMessageSender[] getMessageSenders()
Returns the message senders, which are used to send out-of-band reply messages.

the message sender


public final void setVersions(AddressingVersion[] versions)
Sets the WS-Addressing versions to be supported by this mapping.

By default, this array is set to support the August 2004 and the May 2006 versions of the specification.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws Exception
Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public final EndpointInvocationChain getEndpoint(MessageContext messageContext)
                                          throws TransformerException
Description copied from interface: EndpointMapping
Returns an endpoint and any interceptors for this message context. The choice may be made on message contents, transport request url, a routing table, or any factor the implementing class chooses.

The returned EndpointExecutionChain contains an endpoint Object, rather than even a tag interface, so that endpoints are not constrained in any way. For example, a EndpointAdapter could be written to allow another framework's endpoint objects to be used.

Returns null if no match was found. This is by design. The MessageDispatcher will query all registered EndpointMapping beans to find a match, and only decide there is an error if none can find an endpoint.

Specified by:
getEndpoint in interface EndpointMapping
a HandlerExecutionChain instance containing endpoint object and any interceptors, or null if no mapping is found


protected WebServiceMessageSender[] getMessageSenders(Object endpoint)
Returns the message senders for the given endpoint. Default implementation returns getMessageSenders()

endpoint - the endpoint
the message senders for the given endpoint


protected MessageIdStrategy getMessageIdStrategy(Object endpoint)
Returns the message ID strategy for the given endpoint. Default implementation returns getMessageIdStrategy()

endpoint - the endpoint
the message ID strategy for the given endpoint


protected abstract Object getEndpointInternal(MessageAddressingProperties map)
Lookup an endpoint for the given MessageAddressingProperties, returning null if no specific one is found. This template method is called by getEndpoint(MessageContext).

map - the message addressing properties
the endpoint, or null


protected abstract URI getResponseAction(Object endpoint,
                                         MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.

endpoint - the mapped endpoint
requestMap - the MAP for the request
the response Action


protected abstract URI getFaultAction(Object endpoint,
                                      MessageAddressingProperties requestMap)
Provides the WS-Addressing Action for response fault messages, given the endpoint, and request Message Addressing Properties.

endpoint - the mapped endpoint
requestMap - the MAP for the request
the response Action

Spring Web Services Framework

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